The submerged depth (draft) of the boat in ft. These are the allowable keywords and their meanings, most of these parameters are optional, omitting them will make the program used default values. The numeric data is translated using the string keyword attached to it, and may appear in any order in the file, if certain types of data are not required, they can be omitted from the boat.cfg file. The boat.cfg file is composed of variable number of lines composed of two elements: This is a configuration files for animated pilots or parts in the boat. This is an optional customized panel file. This is the smoke sources definition file.

This is the deck transparency layout file. These are the custom sounds used by the boat. These are the textures used by the boat parts. This file is used to describe the boat parameters. Inside the boat directory are the following files: The boats directory inside the Virtual Sailor directory containes the available boats, each boat is placed in a seperate directory inside the Virtual Sailor\boats directory. Adding new boats to Virtual Sailor is simple, all files were created using standard file types to allow use of simple text and image editing tools to create or modify them.